The Beginnings
The start of the long adventure has finally begun, and the road ahead could either be hard or brutal depending on how you approach this class. Its no joke when those reviews out there about Tera say that the Mystic is in fact the 2nd most grueling and difficult class to play if you expect to master it or just be great at the class. The leveling is quite slow but the benefits of being a mystic at level 60 is more rewarding then most would think. You have many buffs and you will be quite the survivalist. Not to mention a decent damage output providing you do the right skills correctly. Though don't be fooled. You main objective is survival and keeping everyone alive. If you don't do your job then you will not always be of use for a party.
How to use them, and when to use them.
Sharan Bolt (level 1)
With this attack it will be your primary attack, though you only use it either when soloing or all your jobs are complete. When soloing it is good to use this to help damage the enemies while your Thrall of Protection aggros, or your Thrall of Vengeance grabs their attention. Under no circumstance should this power be used during PvP, with your Thrall of Wrath, or Thrall of Life. Though as you will be face to kite foes and help deal damage while solo the best bet is to chain the attack with Metamorphic Blast, then chain Metamorphic blast to Metamorphic Smite. Always have Metamorphic Smite lead back to Sharan Bolt though. This way the attacks can be set up to go threw an infinite rotation of damage. If Metamorphic Smite is still cooling down always just start over with giving out another Sharan Bolt. REMEMBER! Do NOT deal damage unless all your jobs are done. Jobs can be referred to in the up coming powers.
Arun's Vitae (level 1)
With this power begins your job. This job is used for both solo play (sometimes), and with party play. Never forget to do this job along with others. They are required as later levels you will need it a lot. Firstly with this job is it very straight forward. Place the orbs at the location of the fight. Do not worry setting up before the battle, unless you know you will have a good 5 minutes before it actually starts. Now as for where to actually place them. For mobs you should place it anywhere fighting would take place. Do not be concerned with getting hit to much but always keep your survival on your priority list. Next NEVER pick them up to heal if your Thrall of Life can heal you. Those orbs are for keeping the party alive encase the worse should happen. All these rules apply to all kinds of foes even PvP. But to explain the next monster, its a bam. During a bam fight you must never get within 10-15 meters of them. You should not e hit by them at all costs. Your survival is important for solo play, but even more so when in a party. NEVER attack at bam. Let your team do the work or have your thralls do it. As for the job with bams run in a circle while the fight goes down. As you run around the bam place the orbs in equal distance from eachother and always start placing the orbs closer to the bam. After you've placed about 20-35 orbs for healing, that job is done. And it should only resume if more then 5 orbs disappear or are taken.
Mana Infusion (level 2)
THIS POWER SHOULD NOT BE USED IN COMBAT PAST LEVEL 28! This power is strictly for emergency mana regain after level 28, as by level 28 you get a better ways to get your mana back. Along with your crystals which should always be used while in combat.
Metamorphic Blast (level 2)
This power is used for a combo attack with being used after Sharan Bolt then having Metamorphic Smite being chained to be used right after it. (explained a bit more in the 1. power) This power should also be used only to damage foes threw any means while you are still level 1- level 38. Once past level 38 that power will be your last resort damaging power if your solo. It should NEVER be used in party play even if everyone died. Or if your jobs are done. If your jobs are done just spam Sharan bolt at the max distance you are able to shoot it from with it still being able to hit. (which is about 18m-19m)
Thrall of Protection (level 4)
This power is for many uses so as for the purpose of your knowledge I'll tell you every single one.A. It can be used to attack foes for you as you just sit there and watch or just decide to multi-task and attack another mob. NOTE: If summoned and not commanded to attack anything it will just stand there and wait to attack the first thing that hits you. Also when commanded to attack it must be re-commanded to attack if there is another foe. ALSO If you command it to attack and you are not hit nor engage yourself in combat you will be marked as techniquely out of combat. This method can be used a lot to do missions and its up to you how you work it.
B. While pulling foes you may take on to much so send out your Thrall of Protection to grab some of their attention, or for it to just damage them while you kite them around.
C. Use it to troll players in PvP, as it will follow them no matter how far they go unless they fly away, change instances, change channel, or kill it. It may though get stuck on a wall sometimes as its not smart enough to walk around.
D. Send it to distract bams, yes thats right it can handle bams. It also enjoys suicide missions.
E. Send it out in Battleground to troll doors or seige weapons and laugh as it takes many direct hits just to kill it.
There are many ways to use this thrall but the most of the fun is finding out all the kinds of ways to use it. Even sometimes making up your own.
Command: Attack (level 4)
Very simple. Get within 20m of the foe, target it, then hit the command to send your chosen thrall after them.
Command: Follow (level 4)
NEVER USE THIS. It is pointless as,Thrall of Life must always follow you.
Thrall of Vengeance CANNOT move.
Thrall of Wrath need to spend its 15 secs just attacking. Last thing you want is it following you.
Thrall of Protection will come back to you after 1 kill. The only purpose to use Follow is to bring all the mobs it attacks back to you. Or to cancel the Attack command without wasting mana to re-summon it. But lets be honest Re-summoning it is always a better bet. It takes away its aggro, refreshes it hp and time left. And it spawns right next to you.
Metamorphic Smite (level 6)
This is the finisher to your combo attack, after this power should be chained to Metamorphic Blast. More info on how to use this power refer to Sharan Bolt, and Metamorphic Blast.
Teleport Jaunt (level 8)
This power should be chained to Thrall of Life. Use this power to dodge very fast. Or even travel. The main purpose of this power is to create enough distance between you and your attackers. Or very powerful attacks coming your way. If low on health always teleport away and then use the chained skill Thrall of Life to regain a lot of health. Never stop running away though. This is also the time you may drop and/or pick up a health orb.
Corruption Ring (level 10)
This power should not be used at ALL. Take it off your power list right away. Between your jobs and damage outputs you should not have enough time to utilize this power. This power is seen as a 'Newbie' Power as for those who use it are normally either curious or to new to realize how its obsolete compared to all the other powers you should be using.
Retaliate (level 12)
This is used to get up. I suggest using a teleport right after it to escape as quick as possible. As for any knock down always use teleport once you get up.
Thrall of Vengeance (level 12)
Like the other thralls this thrall has many ways to be used:A. To help yourself or party deal more damage. This thrall is the first damage output you get and should always use.
B. Use it to grab your foes attention while you attempt to summon a Thrall of Wrath or Thrall of Protection.
Other ways I will leave to you to find out. As just like the previous one, the purposes and ways to use this thrall are boundless and just fun in general to find out. Or even create.
Volley of Curses (level 14)
This power will always be the final power you use after your debuffs. The chain will go like this:FOR LEVELS 14-31= Sonorous Dreams>Volley of Curses>Volley of Curses
FOR LEVELS 31-41= Sonorous Dreams>Mire>Volley of Curses>Volley of Curses
FOR LEVELS 42-45= Sonorous Dreams>Mire>Ancient Binding>Volley of Curses>Volley of Curses
FOR LEVELS 46-49= Sonorous Dreams>Mire>Ancient Binding>Curse of Exhaustion>Volley of Curses>Volley of Curses
FOR LEVELS 50-55= Sonorous Dreams>Mire>Ancient Binding>Curse of Exhaustion>Shara's Lash>Volley of Curses>Volley of Curses
FOR LEVELS 56-60= Sonorous Dreams>Mire>Ancient Binding>Curse of Exhaustion>Shara's Lash>Curse of Confusion>Volley of Curses>Volley of Curses
Arun's Cleansing Touch (level 16)
Very simple, but knowing when to use it is harder. First off this power purges all stat problems. So if someones health bar is blue/purple use this power on them. Though as to when to use it, you must use it only if their health is above 50% if its lower you must heal first. Then once its above that mark go ahead and use the power. There are some stat problems though that do not change the health bar. So always check the buff/debuff list on them and learn the bad from the good so you know when to use it.
Thrall of Life (level 16)
This is your first power that I would call a "Holy shit I'm about to die!!" Power. Summon this thrall and it places a Heal over time on you and it does large burst heals on you. It will also cleanse you from all your stat problems. This power should be chained to Teleport Jaunt.
Titanic Favor (level 18)
This is your next job! This job MUST ALWAYS be done 100% of the time. Be sure to to keep all teamates health above atleast 75-80%. Though when in PvP, if you are dealing with more then 10 players to heal you must keep all their health up to atleast 45-50%. Always REMEMBER to heal the player with the lowest health. But also put the tank and yourself first. If the tanks health drops below 25% then let the DPS die. Long as the tank lives you can always revive your team. Also if your health is at 50% your team must carry on without heals. They and you should both know that if you die, then that means they have no heals at all. So them having no heals while you heal yourself is alright. If everyone is dead in the party send out thralls for distractions. And revive the tank. Then the DPS. Also Never revive a tank or for that matter anyone if the foes are within 10m of them. But if your left with no time to stall to let the foes to leave try your best to revive them. But keep in mind you die, while the tank is dead. Consider it GAME OVER.
Resurrect (level 18)
See Titanic Favor for info on how and when to use the revive. This revive should always be used over the revive scrolls. Make sure you always take control of reviving your team. Its your job and your team needs to know those scrolls are for you if you end up dieing or are kiting and cannot revive anyone currently.
Aura of the Swift (level 20)
STRICTLY FOR TRAVEL PURPOSES! DO NOT USE FOR COMBAT! This aura should never be placed in your power bar.
Summon: Party (level 22)
Used to summon your party. Use it to gather up people into secret locations or even to places your at and they are unaware of how to get to.
Regression (level 24)
This is yet another power that will not be used at all. Once gotten do not bother using it anytime in the future.
Aura of the Unyielding (level 26)
This power will not be used at all, unless your stuck soloing some foes that attack you. It will avoid criticals on you and will make your self healing just that more easier. But outside this, this power should not be used at all.
Titanic Wrath (level 26)
This is a good damage buff that lasts about 20 seconds but it helps with getting in just enough damage to finish off your foes whether your on a team or solo. NOTE: Players and thralls MUST be within its range in order for the buff to be applied to them.
Arun's Tears (level 28)
This is yet another job of yours, the job is the same as the healing orbs only you may pick up these orbs. Since the cool down for this is about equal to the healing orbs you are able to place both orbs down going back and forth maximizing your team survival. This is also a good way to keep your mana up. Always remember that the healing orbs do a heal over time. But these mana orbs do a burst regain. Meaning it will give a large amount of mana but that is all.
Mire (level 32)
Use this power in the chain stated Volley of Curses. When used alone remember to use this power to slow you foes. Though don't forget its effects are rather short so always use it in the chain for better effect.
Aura of the Tenacious (level 36)
This is your first aura in which you should always have one 100% of the time. This aura allows your teammates to regain 20 mana every single second. This is also a good way to show you that Mystics are able to have energy issues. To prevent energy issues use mana orbs and mana regain crystals. Make sure you always use the max amount of mana crystals you can too. There are no short ways out of it. You cut yourself short on your mana regain possibilities the mana will be cut out of your bar when fighting if you catch my drift.
Thrall of Wrath (level 38)
This is your 1st and final serious damage output. The thrall of vengence was good but compared to this guy, he along with many fellow player DPSer they are nothing. Even though it lasts for a total of 15-20 seconds it deals about 50,000damage, with a 75,000 damage critical for every single hit. And it only takes it a second to hit once. Though keep in mind you must command it to attack and even then those new to the Thrall of Wrath will not be able to get to many hits in while it is up. Now while you have the Aura of the Tenacious on it happens to get the rare- slightly common OP critical of 150,000 damage. Though this is only when it does its most powerful attack and gets a direct hit. Keep in mind this damage may be increased with the proper Glyph, along with bringing the cooldown to 5 minutes. Because of the cool down, this Power is dubed the "Holy shit! I'm about to be overwhelmed by to many foes!!" Power. It is meant to help defeat things you'd normal have issues with or would take forever to kill. This power PvP wise has not been debuffed at all. Its damage stays closely to the same amount. So keep this in mind and use it when all the PvPers are trying to mob a teammate. (Note: You get all the kills it makes as if you killed it with your own hands. Well err... Sharan Bolts)
Ancient Binding (level 42)
This power should always be used in the chain mentioned withing Volley of Curses. This power will briefly slow the foe down by 50%, which is great to help you keep away from close combat.
Vow of Rebirth (level 42)
This power is recommended to be used on the player most likely to die first. And in some cases its to be used on your tank, providing they have a possibility of dieing. The glyph to use with this power should ALWAYS be used, for it is able to be bought in the Glyphmaster and it will let you apply vow of rebirth on you at the same time when you place it on a player. This means Death has just become a whole lot easier to cope with. But do not use this as a crutch. For this power is your final "Oh shit!" power. A good healer cannot predict the future all the time so this will help the survival more.
Curse of Exhaustion (level 46)
Refer to the Chain mentioned in the Volley of Curses. This power is mainly to piss off your PvPers. As it will increase all there cool downs by 20%. Which can be very annoy to many DPSes, Tanks, and even Healers.
Aura of the Merciless (level 50)
This is your 2nd aura which MUST ALWAYS be on, for this aura not just helps your team get criticals 2x more but it also gives yours thralls the buff and yourself the buff as well. This buff is generally good throughout all PvE, and PvP moments. As it helps everyone on your side NPC and Player.
Shara's Lash (level 50)
Refer to the chain in Volley of Curses. This power goes the distance of 10m then explodes placing a stun debuff on anything it hits or the explosion hits.
Curse of Confusion (level 56)
Refer to the chain in Volley of Curses. This power makes monsters actually flee from you until knocked down. Its affects is purely for PvE and can be removed from the chain if you are a PvPer.
Warding Totem (level 60)
This power is recommended highly when in large battles when you aren't able to heal everyone, or not able to heal yourself. It does not make up for not healing but it does help a Mystic a lot. As you could even now place a camp fire, place orbs around it then put up a totem and make a perfect place to help protect your team. This power has many places to be used at but like many of the powers it all really comes down to what you figure out is when the best time is to use them._________________________________________________________________________________
1. Always stay about 10-15m away from bams. Even Outter world bams.
2. YOU ARE NOT A TANK! Let the tank do its job. It does not matter if you can do the job better even as a healer you must do your job and heal. You have enough job powers as it is. Don't be a bad Mystic.
3. YOU ARE NOT A DPS! Let the DPS do its job. It doesn't matter if you wanna help or your thralls wanna help. You must always keep doing your job.
4. Keep your eye on the prize. Even if you hit that wall, and you don't wish to carry on. Just remember why you chose the class. And how amazing end game will be for you. Persistence is Key.
5. Memorize your foes attack patterns, yes even PvPers have a normal attack pattern, or can be predicted with enough examination. Use that against them and evade. Kite them until a ally comes to help or use a thrall to help.
6. YOUR survival is most important. You die, no one gets heals.
7. It is okay to have a ego about you class, Mystics are impressive, just don't over sell yourself.
8. Practice all the time.
9. Don't be afraid to solo anything or anyone. Its all about trial and error. Refine your combat style and go by your playstyle.
10. The powers and chains given above will help. But do realize it is not always for everyone. You may be a fantastic healer who does the complete opposite from this, and still have the job getting done. Nothing is impossible except the impossible. Always give everything a chance.
For further explanations of game-play.
Crystals, Glyphs, and Armor
(I do recommend the glyph builds but I do advise to to also find a customized build for your own playstyle.)
Gameplay, Overview of some beginning powers, and Team Play
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